Sean Gleann wrote:

>Very recently, I too went down the path of developing a REXX to figure out 
>yesterday's date, and my solution pretty much matches ones that have been 
>proposed in that mail-trail.

>However, I wanted to go further. Having created a working REXX, I want to then 
>automatically run it on a daily basis to set suitably-named system symbols 
>with new values each day,

>I've tracked down details regarding the IEASYMU2 program, but no matter hat I 
>do, the result is always RC288 (or '120'x). As far as I can see, this is 
>caused by some sort of RACF restriction, but there's no diagnostic info 
>appearing in the console log, so I don't know what to do to correct the 

Please post your job and parameters used.

Also post the FULL messages(s) you received. If you can, can you extract the 
RACF SMF records for those failures?

As documented: "All updates by IEASYMU2 are controlled by RACF facility class 
entity IEASYMUP.symbolname".

Check that profile and ensure you did a proper SETROPTS REFRESH.

Look at for descriptions and warnings/notes about IEASYMU2:

>Has anyone successfully used this program & would be prepared to share their 
>experience, please?

Not me for that program, we rather use automation (mostly) to get previous date 
(day, month, year) as well today (system day) and scheduling date/time/period.

Of course, as posted a while back, I have a REXX program to write days as 
accepted by IFASMFDP program. 

Alternatively, just use REXX and place your dates in a datasets to be read by 
other jobs.

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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