Hey Jake - let me try to explain some different ways Zowe is intended to 
help a system programmer. "Is it going to act like a GUI to perform all 
the system related activities?" - short answer is yes over time but don't 
think of just GUI as the way to interact with z/OS. 

The web user interface is intended to be a new platform for better 
visualization of z/OS resources. You likely use web technology for 
interacting with so many other systems in your life - email, bank, cloud, 
etc. - why not use same technology for z/OS? Browser skills are pervasive 
- they don't require additional software installed on your laptop/desktop. 
Web provides better use of graphics, more "right click" capabilities, and 
more end to end views can be written with fast path to system details. 
Over the years z/OS based products have generally been built as silos or 
swim lanes of expertise and not enough cross product sharing of data. One 
aspect of the web UI is "app to app" communication in the web meaning one 
app can invoke another, feed data to another to provide new ways of 
linking applications. 

System programmer productivity is another aspect. For example using the 
new Zowe command line. There are many different use cases here for a power 
user that wants to quickly edit a data set, submit a job, etc. You may 
have your favorite editor on your laptop for editing files and you don't 
like having to switch to ISPF to edit something on z/OS......via the Zowe 
command line you can stay in the laptop context and Zowe will fetch a data 
set behind the scene, allow it to be edited by your favorite editor and 
save back to z/OS transparently. The "real" power of the command line is 
being able to script commands to perform a set of actions on z/OS - using 
the script language of your choice. A common use case for script is Devops 
pipelines where z/OS can participate like any other platform in your 

There are many other aspects that I won't ramble on about but just mention 
- increase the use of today's z/OS REST APIs, extend those APIs in new 
ways, encourage z/OS product teams to provide APIs as the way to interact 
with their, provide a catalog of the z/OS APIs, make z/OS resources more 
discoverable, .....

Part of the reason for Zowe being open source is to pool the skills of 
system programmers across the industry and share both the pain points for 
z/OS administration and operation plus find ways to address the issues by 
sharing expertise, code and experience. If someone uses the command line 
to script a common task on z/OS we what to have that contributed for 
others to use. If someone has written web app that links two products 
together in an innovative way we hope they will contribute to the Zowe 
code base. We hope to have a Zowe "app store" in 2019 with the help of the 
Open Mainframe Project for sharing of code much like the smart phones have 
today - yes there are issues to be worked out on knowing the apps are safe 
and trusted but the point is Zowe is not just technology - it is the 
community to cause innovation. 

Sorry for long post .......hope this helps 

Bruce Armstrong 
IBM System Z Offering Manager- zowe.org 
4205 S MIAMI BLVD, DURHAM NC 27703-9141
Email: armst...@us.ibm.com
Tel: 919-254-8773
Cell: 919-931-3132


From:   Jake Anderson <justmainfra...@gmail.com>
Date:   08/24/2018 03:17 AM
Subject:        Zowe for systems programmer ?
Sent by:        IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU>

Hi Group

I have got a novice questions about zowe.

I am still trying to understand how zowe is going to help the system
programmer and does anyone have any idea or any insight.

Is it going to act like a GUI to perform all the system related activities


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