>> Is there a COBOL equivalent to JSON.stringify?
 > Yes!  It is the JSON GENERATE statement, available in 2016 in COBOL V6.1

>Awesome! I'm guessing it uses the same environment as the XML

 Well, it runs in the COBOL environment, so if you are talking about
COBOL XML GENERATE and XML PARSE (COMPAT), then yes.  If you are talking about
the XMLSS option COBOL XML PARSE, it runs in a mixture of COBOL and
'z/OS XML System Services' parser environments.

>The tricky part comes when the structure of the JSON is unknown and has=20
>to be traversed by node.

Well, JSOPN is for RESTful services, where you tell clients what the JSON
for a service request should look like.  The client and the service have to
know a little about each other. Good luck with your project!

TomR              >> COBOL is the Language of the Future! <<

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