
We have z/OS 2.3 RSU1709 installed and have ZOSMF up.
Using Postman i built a request and sent it to zosmf l..see below:

I received this back:

{ "errorID": "IZUG846W", "errorMsg": "IZUG846W: An HTTP request for a
z/OSMF REST service was received from a remote site. The request was
rejected, however, because the remote site \"\" is not permitted to z/OSMF
server \"IZUSVR\" on target system \"\" ." }

I can logon to the zosmf console from the same browser ( Firefox ). The
IZUSVR1 STC is issuing the following
message ..IZUG861W ...i have not turned on AT-TLS and do not have PAGENT
up. I read about RACF definitions for ZMFAPLA, is my assumption correct
they have to be in-place , i.e.; added to RACF to work.

Secondly, can I test without AT-TLS ?

I am a tad new with zosmf...first time..

Scott Ford
z/OS Development

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