My fault I had inadvertently  left 
Both EXTR and ECB on the attach

My code as documented with just ECB= on the attach worked just fine 

Thanks to Tony Hameric who helped me  with
This apologies to others

On Nov 2, 2018, at 12:48 PM, Michael Stein <> wrote:

>> Joseph Reichman <>
>> I know system 23E is for invalid TCB it seems to me that TCB is valid
>> could any confirm that the following is the correct sequence of step to
>> terminate a TASK.
> A TCB is destroyed when the task terminates unless it was attached with
> EXTR or ECB in which case it is destroyed when the DETACH is issued.
> Looking up the S23E 
> During processing of a DETACH macro, the system found an error in the
> input parameters.
> Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error:
> Code Explanation
> 00 The protection key of the address does not match the key of the issuer
>   of the DETACH.
> 04 Access register 1 was nonzero for a caller in access register address
>   space control (ASC) mode.
> 08 The task control block (TCB) specified in the input parameter list
>   is not a subtask of the caller's TCB.
> I don't know which case you have as I don't know the value in R15 at
> the time of the abend, but perhaps the above might give you some ideas.
> One possible reason for the R15 = 8 case other than just a bad TCB
> address is that you've already issued the DETACH before and that TCB
> has already been destroyed.
>> I have 4 tasks I do an  ATTACH  with ECB =,  SYSECB is the ECB, I am
>> using END_ECB I use to tell the subtask to return via BR 14
>>         L    R1,END_ECB
>>         POST (R1)               Post it
>>         WAIT ECB=SYSECB
>>         MVI  TASK_ADDR,X'00'
>>         LA   R7,THREAD_LEN(,R7)    Next
>>         BCT  R6,DETACH_LOOP
> So END_ECB is for main to subtask notification (to terminate) and SYSECB
> is the ECB specified in the ATTACH ECB= parm.
> And you stored the value in R1 from the ATTACH in TASK_ADDR.
> And you are not running AR mode (or at least AR1 is zero?).
>> In my code running under TESTAUTH I made a breakpoint after the wait
>> ECB=SYSECB and I go directly to my recovery routine with a 23E makes me
>> think it’s not the DETACH
> Is that the first time around the loop?
> Does TASK_ADDR point to a TCB?
> Look at the code generated by the assembler.  Is it using R7 to base
> your reference to TASK_ADDR or some other register (and thus always
> using the same address...)
>> Not sure more so I posted the code if anyone code confirm the logic
>> is right ?
> You didn't post enough (all?) of the code nor the R15 value at the S23E
> abend point so it's not enough.  The ATTACH along with the construction
> of the R7 based storage areas are likely to be critical.  If it's too
> long for an email you could post it somewhere on the web and send a link
> to the list.
>> Is your suggestion to use EXTR as opposed to ECB because you suspect
>> the validity of the TCB and the TCB is passed to the exit in R1
> The abend indicates a problem with the code.  This needs to be fixed,
> just changing to EXTR isn't fixing it.
> Also I wouldn't rush to use EXTR. The EXTR routine is asynchronous to
> your main task (which it runs on and interupts) so the EXTR routine would
> need a way to communicate with your main task too.  I'd just use ECB on
> the ATTACH.
>> More so the EXTR will get control after the subtask does a BR R14
> Yes, but the EXTR routine then needs to communicate with the main routine.
> Your main routine is NOT running while the EXTR routine is running but
> but you don't know where the main routine is stopped. 
> You would need to notify the main routine somehow that the EXTR had
> happened.  When the asynchronous exit routine (EXTR) exits your main
> routine will then run (or continue waiting, or whatever it was doing).
> Unless you do something in the EXTR routine the main routine will never
> know the EXTR routine ran...
>> Back to the EXTR when the exit (EXTR) does a BR 14 to z/os, z/os
>> will resume executing my code in my clean up routine as besides task
>> termination I have to release CSA storage among other things
> Your main routine will become dispatchable again however if it
> was waiting it will remain waiting...
>> I still think I am going to need a ECB or actually 4 to say I’m
>> done or else the main task might finish first looking at the registers
> Yes, with ATTACH ECB you need an end of task ECB for each task.
>> None have any info from main task or subtask Rob I’m not trying to
>> complicate things
>> But as I said the main task needs to know when things are done may have
>> to store ECB Address in TCBUSER and have to go key 0
> Your R7 workarea should be enough.  Besides TCBUSER doesn't belong to you.
> USER in this context means "not IBM use", so it's the site or organization
> not a single programmer.  There's only one TCBUSER (in each TCB).
>> If there was an easier way....
> There is...
> We haven't seen your attach code, but you should be passing a
> parm value in R1 to the subtask your are attaching.
> This could be your R7 area address.
> As Rob Scott <> said:
> r> (1) Design your own structure that describes your subtask so that
> r> you can anchor your own control blocks, ECBs, pointers and flags in.
> r>
> r> (2) Mother task builds this structure for each and every subtask that
> r> it ATTACHs and keeps a list of them.
> r>
> r> (3) Mother will then ATTACH daughter and wait for the daughter to
> r> signal that it has started ok (maybe WAIT on a "started ECB")
> r>
> r> (4) After posting the "I am started" ECB the daughter waits for mother
> r> to say "GO"
> r>
> r> (5) When mother is posted on the "I am started" ECB, it creates a
> r> HOME level nametoken for the TCB, keyed on some known prefix and the
> r> TCB address
> The nametoken is unneeded as you have an area both the parent and subtask
> can address.  This can hold additional ECBs as needed as well as other
> information needed to communicate between the tasks.
> r> (6) Mother then posts the "GO" ECB for the daughter
> r>
> r> When the daughter terminates, the ETXR routine can lookup the
> r> name/token to retrieve the address of the structure in (1).
> When the daughter terminates the termination ECB for that task in the R7
> area will be posted by z/OS end of task.  The parent needs to be waiting
> on all the end of task ECBs (plus possibly other ECBs).
> When the parent wakes it needs to figure out which ECB(s) are posted
> and take appropriate action (DETACH for and end of task ECB).
> Keep in mind that once a subtask has terminated the parent task shouldn't
> wait on the end of task ECB nor issue DETACH for it again.
> r> Mother can always supervise daughters thru the list of structures it
> r> maintains in (1).
> exactly...
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