RAXLVMEMLIMS DS CL1          Source of Address Space memory limit. 
*                            When RaxLvMemLimS=RAXLVUSI and 
*                            RAX_SMFLIMRas is 0, IEFUSI set the 
*                            MEMLIMIT.  When RaxLvMemLimS=RAXLVUSI and 
*                            RAX_SMFLIMRas is non-zero, RAX_SMFLIMRas 
*                            contains info about the setting of 
*                            RaxLvMemlimit.                        @0DC
RAXLVSMF     EQU 1           MEMLIMIT set by SMF either in SMFPRMxx 
*                            or by use of SMF default value=0      @PHC
RAXLVJCL     EQU 2           MEMLIMIT set by the JCL               @PHC
RAXLVREG0    EQU 3           MEMLIMIT Unlimited based on 
*                            REGION=0 specification                @PHC
RAXLVUSI     EQU 4           MEMLIMIT set by IEFUSI                @PHC
RAXLVOMVS    EQU 5           MEMLIMIT set by UNIX OMVS segment     @PHC
RAXLVSETR    EQU 6           MEMLIMIT set by UNIX setrlimit        @PHC
RAXLVSPW     EQU 7           MEMLIMIT set by UNIX spawn            @PHC
RAXLVSETO    EQU 8           MEMLIMIT set by UNIX 
*                            SETOMVS command                       @PHC
RAXLVAUTH    EQU 9           MEMLIMIT set by authorized 
*                            application modification              @PHC
RAXLVURG     EQU 10          Special case of MEMLIMIT 
*                            getting set in IEFSMFIE 
*                            (IEFUSI set REGION size)              @PHC

Jim Mulder z/OS Diagnosis, Design, Development, Test  IBM Corp. 
Poughkeepsie NY

"IBM Mainframe Discussion List" <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> wrote on 
11/19/2018 11:12:18 AM:

> From: "Sean Gleann" <>
> Date: 11/19/2018 04:28 PM
> Subject: Re: Region size for OMVS tasks
> Sent by: "IBM Mainframe Discussion List" <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU>
> Interesting stuff, here...
> Before making any changes, analysis of the type-30 data showed
> SMF30RGN=56623104 (54M) and SMF30MES - the source of MEMLIT - as '1', 
> apparently means that MEMLIMIT is set by SMF. Also, SMF30MEM was coming
> back as 1280M - the same as the MEMLIMIT in SMFPRMxx. So far, so good.
> So I set the ASSIZEMAX for my own profile to 2G and logged off-n-on. No
> change in the type-30 values
> Then I set the associated MEMLIMIT value to 2G & logged off and on 
> This time, SMF30MEM is coming back as 2048M. Great! I can modify the
> MEMLIMIT value and perhaps solve my problem. I'll have to re-engage one 
> the developers for that, could take a bit of time.
> But a curiosity has cropped up along the way...
> Now, my SMF30MES is coming back as '5' - which is undocumented, 
> to the System Management Facilities manual I'm using (SA22-7630-26 - 
> I believe is the latest, though I stand to be corrected). Apparently, 
> values for SMF30MES can be one of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 10 (decimal), so where 
> '5' is coming from is a mystery. I'm not sure it's important and I 
> chase it up with IBM, but thought it worth mentioning.
> Sean

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