Hello list,
I have the need to compute (in a C, PL/1 or ASSEMBLER module)
the maximum return code of all prior steps of the running job so far.
This is intended to be the last step of the job and to write the MAXRC
into a DB2 table, which shows the requester the outcome of this
special job (in a series of maybe hundred jobs which he or she
activated by a sort of makefile).
At the moment this is done by a series of steps named RC0, RC4, RC8
and so on, which are activated when the MAXRC falls into the appropriate
range, and then the MAXRC value is written to an ISPF table. I am modifying
this into using a DB2 table, because we had some problems in the past due
to parallel use of the ISPF table involved, which lead to bad situations
In this context I thought about replacing this bunch of steps by one.
Is this possible? What is needed?
Is there a place where the MAXRC is stored, or is it necessary to retrieve
the RCs of the different steps and compute the MAXRC value myself?
What if one of the steps ABENDed?
It is of course possible to keep the JCL-IF-logic and only replace the
ISPF table by DB2 ... this is what I would do if the computation of the
RCs etc. is too difficult.
Many thanks for your suggestions;
have a nice day.
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