On 26 Nov 2018 13:03:55 -0800, in bit.listserv.ibm-main
bernd.oppol...@t-online.de (Bernd Oppolzer) wrote:
using this as keyword and a well known search engine,
I found a REXX (from a french site), which I will try
This could be of interest to others, so here is the REXX
(unedited, no warranty),
including some original french comments:
A link, instead of copying the code, would have been
better. If the code hasn't been marked as free to use and
copy, this is a possible copyright violation. Just as bad,
the person who wrote this code has gotten no recognition
for it, which is a probable violation even if it was
covered by a Creative Commons license. And, if the coder
improves the program, people who take the code from
IBM-Main will not have those improvements.
I like the idea of having code where it can be found. A few
programs on the CBT tape are mine. But I *chose* to submit
them, and they have my name on them. Just because it's on
the Internet does not mean it's not copyright.
OTOH, I congratulate you on finding this code, and thank
you for letting us all know it exists.
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