Keep in mind that COBOL came from the short range committee at CODASYL; it was 
never intended to be around for more than a few years.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> on behalf of Tom 
Marchant <>
Sent: Thursday, December 6, 2018 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: Jean Sammet — Designer of COBOL – A Computer of One’s Own – Medium

On Wed, 5 Dec 2018 15:42:31 -0600, John McKown wrote:

>No mention of Grace Hopper. Heresy?

I see the wikipedia article on her mentions cobol, and the article on cobol 
article mentions her.

I also found an obituary of her
that includes this:

Grace Hopper, a computer pioneer at Sperry Rand in the late 1950s, led the 
to bring computer makers together to collaborate on the new programming
language. Hopper is often called the “mother of Cobol,” but she was not one of
the six people, including Sammet, who designed the language – a fact Sammet
rarely failed to point out. (Sammet worked for Sylvania Electric at the time.)

“I yield to no one in my admiration for Grace,” she said. “But she was not the
mother, creator or developer of Cobol.”

Sammet and the other five programmers did much of the new language’s design
during two weeks of nearly round-the-clock work, holed up in the 
Hotel in Manhattan. Their proposal was presented in November 1959 and accepted
with few changes by the computer makers they worked for and the Pentagon.

As it evolved, Sammet pushed to inject more engineering discipline into the
language to make it more useful and reliable in industries such as banking, 
care and retailing, and for government agencies.

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