See Mark Zelden's Utilities.
Or just make it yourself, it's not black magic.
Review your sandbox/tech system. Note all your volumes. Try to put as much as possible on same volume. Shrink opeational datasets (page, spool, RACF db) as possible. Delete all SMPE operational datasets (CSI, LTS, xLOGs, PTS, etc.). Delete all DLIB libraries.

Last, but not least: without any of the above you are able to put all the stuff on ONE volume. Take EAV...

BTW: what's wrong in 5-pack or 8-pack OS?
We already know that single EAV can be much larger than n-pack...

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

W dniu 2019-01-14 o 17:05, scott Ford pisze:

I want to build a three pack rescue system , where do i find the 'how to '


On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 10:51 AM R.S. <>

W dniu 2019-01-14 o 13:16, Tony Thigpen pisze:
We have a 3-pack rescue system that was built by a person long-gone.
On the 3-pack system, there are several IODF files. I need to update
the current IODF file.

But, the IODF files on the rescue packs are not cataloged to the
production z/OS. When I use the HCD panels, it does not appear that
there is a way to specify the volume where the file is located, so HCD
always says the file can not be found.

Is there a way to specify the volume, along with the name, when using
the panel? Or, a command to start the panels using the uncataloged
IODF file?

BTDT many times.
Few ways:
1. Just copy hlq.IODF to the3-pack system and have in ming this file
will be uncataloged from 3-pack system point of view. However this is
quite OK for IPL. In addition put packed version (DSS DUMP, IDCAMS
EXPORT) of the IODF just to unpack it under 3-pack system.

2. Use cross-system cataloging, which is allowed for VSAM files with
HLQ=SYS1. So your IODF will be in your MCAT and in 3-packs's MCAT. Not
convenient, but feasible. You can still use the newest (uncataloged in
3-pack) IODF for IPL and then recatalog it.

3. Take the smallest volume, name it SHARED or as you want. Put there
UCAT and define alias, lets say AAAA. Name your iodf files: AAAA.IODFxx.
Import connect the UCAT in you 3-pack system and any other system. Done
once work forever. Suggested way IMHO.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland


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