Thanks Rob, the top of my rexx is basically the same as your test and seemed to 
behave the same as mine.  But your suggestion prodded me in the right direction 
to an explanation of whats going on.  What I discovered, is in the PFKey 
settings used in SDSF EDIT,  'ISF Keylist ISFEDKEY'   I had the PFkeys set to:

PF22 . . ;CA E
PF23 . . ;CA V

Once I removed the ';'  from the beginning of the command all is well and 
working correctly.  I thought at one time,  the prefix ';'  was needed on a 
pfkey to simulate the command preserving the cursor position,  but apparently 
that isn't needed any more.  Seems like it was initially needed for the QW 
clist to allow point and shoot at message numbers.   Further,  I don't find any 
reference to the prefix ';'   in ISPF User's Guide Vol II.  The only special 
characters shown there are ':'  and  '>'.    Could this have changed sometime 
in the last (cough cough) years? 


On Fri, 29 Mar 2019 14:07:12 +0000, Rob Scott <> wrote:
>I would double-check your REXX exec code - perhaps paste to the forum?
>"SE" and "SJ" use ISPF "EDIF" services - pretty much all SDSF does is supply 
>the data for the "get first/next" record request from EDIF.
>I have just executed the following simple REXX EDIT macro in SDSF SJ and SE in 
>2.2 and 2.3 and the results were as expected:
>address ISREDIT "MACRO"
>say currow
>say curline

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