Carmen Vitullo wrote:
>I'll also add, in spite of being flamed, SNA networks
>we're pretty secure....

I'm going to push back on this one a bit, and not in a flaming way I hope.

"Classic" SNA can encrypt connections using DES or TDES, assuming your past
self/selves implemented it (not a given, certainly). That was advanced
stuff for its day and even a little beyond, but the world was/is racing
ahead, properly so. Fortunately, with Enterprise Extender, you can take
advantage of current encryption standards and exploit Crypto Express, too.
(Please do that.)

Several years ago I met a bank's CIO and senior IT leaders. Their view at
the time (and prior) was that SNA was secure, and that newfangled TCP/IP
stuff wasn't. (The Internet was/is scary, after all.) So they adopted a
security policy that "thou shall never implement TCP/IP on the mainframe."
And they didn't; they obeyed their policy faithfully. Of course, business
still needed to get done. Therefore, the bank installed and ran about
20-odd Microsoft Windows servers with Microsoft SNA Server -- remember
that? The SNA Servers did two things: (1) they handled all SNA to/from
TCP/IP traffic, and (2) they handled all authorizations. Yes, that's right,
the bank had effectively disabled RACF entirely because they created 20=odd
RACF IDs for each one of the SNA Servers, and then the SNA Servers
(Windows) had carte blanche to do anything they wanted to do with their
system of record, with core banking data, card data, etc. They delegated
all mainframe authorization decisions to Microsoft Windows.

Together we sketched a picture of all this on a whiteboard so I could
understand what they had done. After we drew the picture, I asked this
simple question: "Is this secure?" After a very little bit of side
discussion, very quickly, they did two things: (1) they changed their
"security" policy, and (2) they went immediately to work to change
everything I just described.

Timothy Sipples
IT Architect Executive, Industry Solutions, IBM Z & LinuxONE


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