When you provision a zCX instance, you need to specify the configuration
details. One of these is the IP address that will be assigned to the
Linux guest. When the guest starts up, by default it will listen on a
network port for ssh connections. You can then use your favorite ssh
client to connect to the guest, and then deploy containers.
If you run a container that wants to listen on a network port, like
nginx, you need to instruct Docker to expose that port on the guest
operating system. This is standard Docker behavior, and is well documented.
All the network traffic going in and out of the Linux guest is routed
through CommServer, via the z/OS TCP stack you specify.
On 5/21/19 7:19 AM, David Crayford wrote:
To be more specific - how can I connect via SSH to a docker container
running under zCX?
Also, how does networking work? If I provision a zCX container running
an nginx web server it still uses the host network stack so won't be able
to take advantage of Linux APIs like epoll etc. I guess the design is
for spinning up development images and not deploying in production right?
On 21/05/2019 7:11 pm, David Crayford wrote:
Dumb question: How to we shell into a docker container running on z/OS?
Anthony Giorgio
z/OS Container Extensions
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