
If memory serves me right, as long as you have ALTER to the dataset, you 
need update to the catalog in order to create it, but you do not need any 
access to the catalog in order to delete it.
Best Regards

"Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while 
they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single 

From:   Sean Gleann <sean.gle...@gmail.com>
Date:   2019-09-25 12:06
Subject:        [EXTERNAL] Tracing RACF?
Sent by:        IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU>

Following a set of somewhat distressing events here, I discovered - the
hard way - that our master catalog was poorly protected, and so I now have
to fix it. The situation is that all users of the my system can create,
read, write, update, delete files that are cataloged in the MasterCat.

The original intention was that each user-id is defined in the MCat as an
alias that points to one of several User Catalogs, depending on the user's
'department' within the company. That way, user id 'X1' creates 'X1.TEST',
and it gets cataloged in a UCAT.

So far, so good.

Now I've found that if 'X1' creates file 'TEST1', it gets cataloged in the
MCAT. In order to prevent this, I've used existing information to act as a
model for
permit 'MASTERV.CATALOG' generic id(X1) access(read)
and specified that.

Now, if user X1 tries to create 'X1.TEST', the result is a RACF
authorisation failure.

Again, so far, so good

Taking the test a bit further though, I've now found that user X1 is
allowed to delete file 'TEST1' from the MCat!

My conclusion so far is that X1 must be getting the required access rights
from another user id/group/etc, but I can't see anything apposite in any
examination I do of the RACF rules (I use output from the DBSYNC Rexx
procedure for this).

So... Can anyone spot my error and suggest a different 'permit' command,
Alternatively, I looked at the idea of tracing RACF activity on behalf of 
specific user with
SET TRACE(USERID(X1)) - but I can't see where generated output goes to nor
how to interrogate it. I *have* seen mention of using GTF for this 
along with IPCS, but my experience with both those tools is so limited 
I didn't look much further in those references - skipped on past them,
looking for other possibilities but not finding any.

Any help gratefully appreciated

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