I wrote a program -- robust enough to be part of a vendor product -- that
read and processed assembler SYSADATA using LE-supported C++. I found no
problems with "flexibility." I would be curious in what way you found it

As is my general approach with C++, I did alpha testing on MS Visual Studio.
Although there was no intent to produce a saleable product for Windows, the
code was in fact fully functional on Windows, just lacking the niceties you
would expect in a product, such as an install package.

Windows is where there were some interesting problems to be solved. SYSADATA
makes extensive use of both EBCDIC and binary fields. You can't blindly
translate the records (as FTP would, for example) because that makes hash
out of the binary fields. And the binary fields have their own "issue" in
that they are big-endian, while Windows code is little-endian. Easy problems
to solve, and in a portable fashion using #ifdef and other tools, but
interesting problems nonetheless. Also binary RECFM=V records are not a
natural for Windows.

Want to know a great trick for dealing with endian issues in portable code?
The standard c library routine ntohl() flips an integer from big- to
little-endian on Windows, and on Z is a no-op. So just run every integer
through ntohl() and it will be right for the platform, with no performance
hit whatsoever on Z.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of Joseph Reichman
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2020 8:38 AM
Subject: Re: Prolog code of Metal C program (register 0)

I have code on windows that I use to display assembler listing. I down load
the SYSADATA and have a DLL that does reads and does various other
functions. Since I have a need for the same functionality on z/os I figured
I would use the same code.

I knew there would be differences but I figured I could use #ifdef __MVS__
for that.  Originally I thought of LE but found its way to inflexible. My
code is amode 31 

I have a number of functions 1) openfile - opens the sysadata and has
various pointers to various sections. There is a certain order to the
sysadata 20 external symbols precede 30 source code 36 machine code
eventually follow 30

My code would store these in dataspace.

Since my Main Program OPENFILE is reading the  SYSADATA I have tried to tell
the compiler that is main 

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