Where are you FTPing to and what directory are you cd into ?   If this is a
"local" ftp (not to IBM) then the login or cd should have shown you that
you have a R/O access to the disk, something like:

230-MAINT logged in; working directory = MAINT 191 (ReadOnly)
230 write access currently unavailable

If you are FTPing to IBM, then be sure you are in /s390/toibm/vm

James Vincent
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Technology Infrastructure Engineering
Mainframe, z/VM and z/Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-25-02
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5547    Fax: (614) 677-7681

The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> wrote on 03/17/2006
07:38:32 AM:

> Thanks Jim,I got my "A" commands mixed up. But now I have another problem
> When I issue the put I get the following:
> put prb0001.dump0001.d
> >>>SITE FIXrecfm 4096
> 500 'SITE FIXRECFM 4096': command not understood.
> >>>PORT 66,144,176,244,4,2
> 200 PORT command successful.
> >>>STOR prb0001.dump0001
> 553 prb0001.dump0001: Permission denied. (upload)
> Command:
> Any clues??
> thanks
> Mace

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