I can use Performance Toolkit's IDLEUSER command to display a list of
idle userids and how many minutes they were idle, BUT, the info can be
stale depending on how long it's been since the timestamp shown on the
IDLEUSER report.
Stale? The screen should be updated automatically at the end of each new
CP monitor sample interval, i.e. every 60 seconds if you work with the
default setting. If this doesn't happen on your system then you should
report a bug (but it worked correctly when I just tried).
Have you set a longer sample interval on your system?
Is there a PerfTK command to force it recompute the IDLEUSER report?
(like RealTimeMonitor's RECOMP command?)
No, not for the screens based on CP monitor data. As mentioned above,
they should all be AUTOMATICALLY refreshed whenever new data
becomes available. No need to tell PerfKit to do so manually!
Recomputing the information before new data becomes available doesn't
make much sense since it would yield exactly the same output you
already see on the screen ..
(The screens are rebuilt without new data only after changing the sorting
The few screens that obtain data directly from CP control blocks using
diagnose x'04' (e.g. user and device details) can be forced to refresh
by simply hitting ENTER.
or lacking that, is there a command to display info I could use to
predict the next time at which PerfTK will update its IDLEUSER report?
That period is the interval set for the CP monitor sample interval.
Use the command 'Q MON' to display it.
Eginhard Jaeger