hello VM'er,
currently I am testing zVM 5.2.0 and Performance Toolkit (PERFTK).

When I connect via webbrowser I see on the SYSMENU the following headline:

'Systems Accessible via APPC/VM or TCP/IP'

In our older PERFTK 4.4.0 the text was 'Systems Accessible via APPC/VM'

Does this meen, that I need no longer an APPC-connection between 2 PERFTKs
to connect them.
I have looked in the Performance Toolkit book. But I cannot find an answer
to my above question.

What I want is one webaddr where I get a selektion-menu for my 2 systems.
The 2 systems are only connected via tcpip. (no ISFC-Link, no

Well, Horst,
this looks like an oversight: remote PerfKit interconnections via TCP/IP
are still not supported for the current level.

Although I did change the remote PerfKit interfaces for 5.2 to also work with
TCP/IP connections (thats when I added the 'or TCP/IP' string) the testers
didn't have sufficient time left to also test this new (unplanned) interface. And that's why this support hasn't been announced, and why it has not yet been
documented externally .

So, although the code is already in the PerfKit module you have, you'd risk
finding bugs if you tried to activate TCP/IP connections. And IBM probably
wouldn't fix these bugs for the moment.

Sorry .. Eginhard Jaeger

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