hello VM'er, 
currently I am testing zVM 5.2.0 and Performance Toolkit (PERFTK).

When I connect via webbrowser I see on the SYSMENU the following headline:

'Systems Accessible via APPC/VM or TCP/IP'

In our older PERFTK 4.4.0 the text was 'Systems Accessible via APPC/VM'

Does this meen, that I need no longer an APPC-connection between 2 PERFTKs
to connect them.
I have looked in the Performance Toolkit  book. But I cannot find an answer
to my above question.

What I want is one webaddr where I get a selektion-menu for my 2 systems.
The 2 systems are only connected via tcpip. (no ISFC-Link, no

kindest regards
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Horst Rempel
BG Chemie Heidelberg
Tel.: 06221 / 523-1303
Fax: 06221 / 523-227

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