Marten Kemp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The recent thread about virtual memory sparked a (kind of)
> idle question: why did the implementation in the S/370
> have a two-level scheme (segment and page)? My original
> thought was that it facilitated definition of discontiguous
> parts of an address space.

re: virtual memory Virtual memory implementation in

i had also done page migration as well as "table" migration ...  which
were released in my resource manager product ... the blue letter
product announcement gives product release as 11may76 ... 30 years ago
tomorrow.  partial reproduction of the resource manager blue letter: VM/370 Resource Manager

page migration would look make judgements about different speed paging
devices ... and if it found "high" speed paging devices filling up, it
would start looking for idle virtual pages (resident on "high" speed
devices), that it could migrate to slower speed devices.

when real storage started getting constrained ... it would also look
for idle portions of virtual address spaces. each 64kbyte virtual
segment consumed ten bytes of real storage, 2bytes for the page table
entry and 8bytes of adminstrative stuff (shadow storage protect keys,
and location on paging device for the virtual page). for "idle"
segments, it would turn on the invalid bit in the segment table entry,
write the administrative stuff to special disk locations, and then
discard the real memory for the page table and administrative stuff
... typically picking up 160bytes of real storage per 64kbyte of idle
virtual address space or 2560bytes of real storage per 1mbyte of idle
virtual address space ... little over 4kbytes of real storage per
2mbytes of idle virtual address space.

the defined virtual address space might or not be contiguous ...  but
the segment table could have large gaps in the pointers to page tables
... potentially because the space wasn't defined in the particular
virtual address space ... or because the virtual address space area
was deamed to be idle at the moment and the associated tables had been
removed from real storage.

the administrative table containing the disk backing store address for
virtual pages (and the shadow storage protect keys) was called a
SWAPTABLE ... so the feature allowing the SWAPTABLE to be removed from
real storage was called SWAPTABLE migration or paging SWAPTABLEs.

a few other posts mentioning SWAPTABLE migration: DCSS as SWAP disk for z/Linux DCSS as SWAP disk for z/Linux Charging Time Charging Time


and a few posts mentioning shadowing process: Exceptions at basic block boundaries Exceptions at basic block boundaries Hadware Support for Protection Bits:
what does it really mean?

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

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