I've been trying to use DB2 for VSE to access DB2/UDB and have had mixed results. We have been going round and round with DB2 for VSE support (sometimes I think Roland should be on our payroll).
Other shops have gotten it to work successfully. So, for those other shops.... What DB2/UDB version/release are you using and on what platform? I bought up the "try before you buy" release of DB2/UDB (perhaps V8.2 but it may be V8.1), from the DB2/UDB website from March. And it is installed on zLinux (SLES9) 64 bit. I'm starting to think that I may need to be on a V7 copy of DB2/UDB, or at least one that I can apply maintenance to. So, now I'm considering what release to fall back to. Thanks Tom Duerbusch THD Consulting