I dont feel the question was answered properly. The user wanted to know if running in an IFL could be determined say from REXX. Is there some flag or system variable that might indicate the lpar is an IFL or not?

What if a site does not have a ZOS guest to ipl.

I do know if you attempt to bring up ZOS native in a IFL, the lpar will croak.


At 12:33 PM 6/12/2006, you wrote:
I don't think that will tell you if it's running on an IFL.  I know of a

site where z/OS was accidentally IPL'd in an IFL LPAR (and brought back

down quickly as soon as the error was discovered).

Brian Nielsen

On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:36:31 -0500, Dave Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


>Yes there is, James. Create a new guest virtual machine, and attempt to
>IPL z/OS in it. If z/OS comes up, then your z/VM system is running on
>standard processors, if not, then it's on IFL ones.....;-)
>Sterling James wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Is there a way to detect the processor type zVM is running on IFL vs
>> General, with REXX?
>> TIA.

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