Don't let the manual get in your way, data is available from any node in a
collection.   Only been messing with macros since March and maybe, control
once I start to mess with screens... web way later...

CPC- 91.21%  VM3                     IN:03:40-03:41  Next sample in about
<-------CPU Statistics------>   <----In Queue User statistics----> <-Page->
%cpu %usr %prb %sys %ovr %idl    InQ   Q0   Q1   Q2   Q3  Eli Ldng <-rate->
321. 308. 211. 13.4 97.1 67.6   27.3 13.0 0.13 0.08 14.0 0.00 0.00    0.2
 1) LTCUST     100.0   5620.   5549.    4.7      0  585.8  15.0A 3
 2) LTCUSTB     85.2   4495.   4458.    0.0      0  477.3  15.0A 3
 3) VPLTDEV1    21.3   1200.   1199.    0.0      0  482.3   100%
             VM7                     IN:03:40-03:41  Next sample in about
<-------CPU Statistics------>   <----In Queue User statistics----> <-Page->
%cpu %usr %prb %sys %ovr %idl    InQ   Q0   Q1   Q2   Q3  Eli Ldng <-rate->
109. 101. 68.9 8.40 32.0 343.   25.7 2.27 0.08 0.07 23.3 0.00 0.00    0.0
 1) VPTSEL      23.2   810.9   810.7    0.0      0  268.4  5000% 2
 2) VPFS1D      15.6   433.4   432.4    0.0      0  403.8     1% 3
 3) LTMESW      11.0   357.6   357.4    0.0      0  280.5     1% 3
CPC- 18.79%  DL2                     IN:03:40-03:41  Next sample in about
<-------CPU Statistics------>   <----In Queue User statistics----> <-Page->
%cpu %usr %prb %sys %ovr %idl    InQ   Q0   Q1   Q2   Q3  Eli Ldng <-rate->
70.2 62.5 38.5 7.69 23.9 623.   93.6 3.92 0.37 0.52 88.8 0.00 0.00    0.1
 1) VPRTS923     3.4   88.65   88.48    0.0      0  193.5  3334% 3
 2) VPRTS047     3.0   80.87   80.87    0.0      0  185.1    34% 3
 3) CAPMONIT     2.3    4.03    4.03   25.3      0    2.1    50%
             VM4  20060614 03:41:19  IN:03:40-03:41  Next sample in about
<-------CPU Statistics------>   <----In Queue User statistics----> <-Page->
%cpu %usr %prb %sys %ovr %idl    InQ   Q0   Q1   Q2   Q3  Eli Ldng <-rate->
55.4 51.8 46.0 3.64 5.84 636.   13.9 7.33 1.22 1.55 3.87 0.00 0.00    0.5
 1) V710471     11.3   16.15   16.15   63.1      0   13.7   100%
 2) CMSTPF41    10.1   129.0   128.5    3.2      0   19.7   250%
 3) SWEEP4       2.6   26.27   26.27    6.4      0    2.1   100%
CPC- 35.73%  DL1                     IN:03:40-03:41  Next sample in about
<-------CPU Statistics------>   <----In Queue User statistics----> <-Page->
%cpu %usr %prb %sys %ovr %idl    InQ   Q0   Q1   Q2   Q3  Eli Ldng <-rate->
102. 95.6 78.5 6.37 17.1 193.   7.98 3.47 0.40 0.10 4.02 0.00 0.00    0.0
 1) D665ODWK    49.8   153.2   153.2   69.3      0   12.1     6%
 2) OMNIMRA1    17.5   439.3   16.93    0.0      0    4.7     6%
 3) D645500      8.3   196.5   196.4    0.0      0    2.8   100%

"No plan survives execution" revised: 01Jun06

             David Boyes                                                   
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
   >                                                     To 
             Sent by: The IBM          IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU             
             z/VM Operating                                             cc 
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                     Subject 
             ARK.EDU>                  Re: OK a question about performace  
             06/13/2006 09:57                                              
             Please respond to                                             
               The IBM z/VM                                                
             Operating System                                              
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             

> > It looks as if we are going to buy a kit. IBM was here and
> > suggested perf toolkit and I know there is velocity.
> > heard good things about both but what is prefered here by
> > those who have used both or either.

Both are competent tools in terms of gathering and presenting all the
performance data available in one place, but the Velocity tools do a
better job at interpreting the meaning of the numbers and presenting the
implication of the numbers. If you're not a full-time performance
weenie, this is a major benefit.

One thing that Perfkit does well is provide a nice overview of multiple
physical systems from a single control point. I haven't found a way to
do that with the Velocity tools yet, but that's probably more a lack of
RTFM on my part.

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