I'm looking for a spreadsheet, action plan, or simple list of steps I nee
to do in order to upgrade my VM ESA 2.2 system to Z/VM 5.x and at the sam
time move from an old multiprise 2003/103 to a shiney new IBM Z9.  

It's been a few years since I've been in charge of a simultaneos VM and 

hardware upgrade and I can't find any of my old plans.

I'm thinking high-level steps here.

 plan network (TCPIP and SNA)
 plug in new Z9
 somehow get IOCP deck off old box and load to z9
 install z/VM
 copy and modify old SYSTEM CONFIG
 configure VM and all the products 
 backup both
 shutdown old VM
 IPL new VM on new box

Has anyone else recently done this?   Do you have a plan you'd be willing
to share?

One nice thing, this VM is tiny and used only for development, no 

Bbo Heerdink

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