I remember hearing about a site that had ALL of its VM volumes available to its
MVS system and had MVS datasets for every minidisk defined. They had all of the
CP areas listed as minidisks too (Checkpoint, Directory, Page, Spool, etc). I
think they did FDR backups and were able to restore full minidisks.

/Tom Kern

--- "Nix, Robert P." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Only slightly off topic, but long ago, just to see what would happen, we
> allocated an MVS dataset, and then mapped a CMS minidisk over the dataset's
> allocation, and everyone was still happy and running.
> As long as everyone agrees to what's been done, there shouldn't be any
> fussing. 
> -- 
> Robert P. Nix         Mayo Foundation
> RO-OC-1-13            200 First Street SW
> 507-284-0844          Rochester, MN 55905
> -----
> "In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
>  in practice, theory and practice are different."

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