On Wed, 2 Aug 2006, Jim Vincent wrote:
> Mppmmppthpfpp... ugh!  Had to take my foot out of my mouth.   Yes, I did
> know Yast -can- be done, via a VNC connection right?  The usual case I get
> involved in is when the nic is DOA and I am doing it all via the 3270
> console.  I stand humbly corrected!

Foot out of mouth now?

Seeing Jim's post,  thinking about hobbling along on the 3215 console,
he's right!   "no dice"    But others are thinking of different access.

Not only does VNC come to mind,  but SSH can tunnel X traffic.
In fact,  X forwarding is enabled by default in most SSH configs,
including PuTTY.  So run an X server  (eg:  Hummingbird,  maybe CYGWIN)
on your Windoze PC,  SSH in,  then YaST back to the PC.  Works.

> I've been hanging around Troth too long  ;-)  I should have been clearer in
> my response and detailed what I was actually thinking.  Thanks Rich!

You lucky dog!   ;-)
Enjoy chewing on that shoe.  Gooooood boy.

-- R;

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