I am at home now, but will check my config stuff tomorrow at work and will
bundle them together and send them to you. 

/Tom Kern

--- Adam Thornton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So, I've set up ftpserv2, which I want to listen on port 990 of my  
> secondary stack, which is TCPIP2.  z/VM 4.4.
> In his SNAVM5 DTCPARMS file (this is on node SNAVM5, natch), I've got
> :Nick.FTPSERV2  :Type.server  :Class.ftp :Parms.port 990
> Which seems to be what I want, according to p. 41 of my TCPIP  
> Planning and Customization for z/VM 4.4.
> DTCRUN1011I Server started at 15:18:29 on 2 Aug 2006 (Wednesday)
> DTCRUN1011I Running "SRVRFTP PORT 990"
> DTCFTS0018I VM TCP/IP Server-FTP Level 440 15:18:29 EDT WEDNESDAY  
> 2006-08-02
> DTCFTS0002I Using translate table STANDARD TCPXLBIN.
> DTCFTS0310I Unable to find input file: PORT 990 *
> So clearly it's seeing the SNAVM5 DTCPARMS, but then it thinks  
> that :parms.port 990 means it's supposed to read that as a file name,  
> not just use port 990.
> What am I doing wrong?
> Adam

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