I'm new at this Linux game but I just had to go through a similar thing
where I wanted to change the IP address (use different subnet and therefore
a different gateway too) on  a SUSE 9 LINUX server using 3270 terminal. 

The commands I found helpful were:

"Ifconfig" used to change the card settings dynamically. I could not find
NETCFG command on my distribution which makes permanent changes. "ifup" will
recycle the card but I didn't need to do that.

"Route" command to add new route statements dynamically. 

Once you have it setup and working correctly you can then connect and use
YaST to make the changes permanent or in my case I used "SED" command on the
3270 screen to fix the two files I needed. One was the network card
information within the /etc/sysconfig/network directory. The second was the
routes file which I had to add the default route statement. 

Always make a copy of the files you plan to change with SED. 

Hans Rempel
-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Dave Jones
Sent: August 11, 2006 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: Changing route and ip addrs

Hi, Mace.

=?iso-8859-1?Q?Larry_Macioce?= wrote:
> I've posted this on the marist site also(yes I'm out of the closet..I'm a 
> cross-poster);}..anyway:
That's OK, we won't tell....:-)

>  We are in the planning process of changing our public addrs to bring them

> in house. But I have a question. I know I can go into YAST and make the 
> change to the network card for the instance ip addr and the router number.

> But the minute I save the changes I'm going to lose my connection into the

> instance. Now let's say the network guys make their change and it doesn't 
> work. That never happens does it??????????? How would I get back into my 
> guest to make the changes back? I logged into a guest and su'ed and then 
> went to yast but it took forever and when I got the "more"  I hit enter 
> expecting to see the yast menu but nothing happened. What am I missing? 

You've just run into a common situation running Linux on the 
mainframe.....the Linux console is a 3270 device that Linux only know 
how to drive in line mode...it's just a "dumb" terminal and Linux 
applications like "vi" and anything based on "ncurses" don't know how to 
drive it.

When you are logged onto a running Linux guest under VM via a 3270 
terminal, the only commands that will work the way you want them to are 
the ones that do not try to manipulate the terminal as if it were a 
VT220 or some such.

It's not uncommon for network changes to cause you to lose your SSH or 
(shudder..) Telnet connection to a Linux guest. To help avoid having 
this problem turn into a major upset, do the following:

1) before any network changes, make backup copies of all of the 
pertinent Linux network configuration files. What these files are  and 
where you find them vary by Linux distribution, unfortunately.
2) become familiar with the many Linux line-oriented editing tools, like 
"ed" and "sed". These work fine from a basic 3270 session and can be 
used to repair a screwed up network configuration and get your Linux 
image back on the air.
3) there is a 3270 full screen editor for Linux (something like Xedit, I 
believe) called NED that some folks like. I don't know where to find it 
any more, but you might want to check that out as well.

Hope this helps.

> Thanks in advance
> Mace    
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