Yes, Edgar, were are the days.  When I started in IBM (1978) I was learned 
to use EDIT.  After half a day, another SE couldn't beleave they still 
learned us EDIT, and he gave me EDGAR.  Quite some of my XEDIT PF-key 
settings still do what they did in EDGAR.
But, much later, I saw another collegue demonstrating XEDIT: the fact that 
he could issue these single keystrokes > or < to set the prefix area right 
or left made me eager to get XEDIT.
Yet another -very intelligent- collegue said me later that he somehow 
prefered EDGAR: "about EDGAR I can proudly say 'I know all its commands' 
and that is impossible with XEDIT"

IBM Belgium, VM customer support
P.S. I still have > and < as synonyms to set the prefix area were I like 
it at the time.  IMHO the best position depends on what one is doing, for 
text work, PREIFX ON RIGHT is better (the newline key goes to the next 
line; cursor column displayed by emulator corresponds to that in the 
file).  Only when one needs to add/delete/move many lines, LEFT is better.

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