Title: Testing zVM 5.2 and Vswitch second level...

I'm bringing up a zVM 5.2 system second level, and have gotten to the point that I want to configure Vswitch and TCPIP. I put a NICDEF into the virtual machine and granted it access at the first level, then brought it up and tried the IPWIZARD script, defining it as a QDIO interface, but it can't find any of the IP addresses I gave it. I then tried defining a Vswitch in the second level machine, and haven't had much luck there either. I thought before I went too much further, I'd see if anyone here had any suggestions.

What would be the best, most likely working, method of connecting a second level zVM system to the outside world, in such a way as to emulate its ultimate environment as closely as possible?

Also: Are DTCVSW1 and DTCVSW2 the Vswitch controllers? I haven't seen them mentioned in any of the documentation yet, but saw them come up on the first full IPL. (I almost said "boot"... I so fear that I'm becoming a Linux person...)

 .~.    Robert P. Nix           Mayo Foundation
 /V\    RO-OC-1-13              200 First Street SW
/( )\   507-284-0844            Rochester, MN 55905
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        "In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
         in practice, theory and practice are different."

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