Title: Odd CSE problem...

Having gotten most of my real systems up and running, I wanted to go back and experiment on the CSE xlink stuff. I can't randomly IPL my live systems, so I created a new set of CP Owned packs and created two virtual machines to use them, copying the running system to these new packs. (Spool failed miserably, but I've gotten past that; Thanks everyone for the conversions about DCSSBKUP recently…) I have everything running the way it is on the current systems, except one odd thing:

I can do INDICATE LOAD AT system, and it will talk back and forth between the systems and get me the information I want. But when I do a Q NAMES, I expect to see all the users logged in on both systems. I do see this on the live systems, but my test systems show only the users logged into the local system. Q NAMES AT ALL works, but on the live systems this seems to be the default. Why is it not the default on my second-level systems?

 .~.    Robert P. Nix           Mayo Foundation
 /V\    RO-OC-1-13              200 First Street SW
/( )\   507-284-0844            Rochester, MN 55905
^^-^^   -----
        "In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
         in practice, theory and practice are different."

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