They are XC mode machines so that they can use data spaces - it really has nothing whatsoever to do with expanded storage. (XC stands for eXtended Configuration - an extension to the zSeries architecture specially designed for use by z/VM)

If you manage to track down that document, please let us know, since it definitely needs to be fixed.

Thank you,
Ray Mansell

Steve Gentry wrote:
Respectfully, Richard, I ran across some doc somewhere that recommended that the MACHINE TYPE for VMSERx (U and S) machines be set to XC so that they can use XSTORE. Whether VMSERx actually uses x storeage or VM itself handles these moves to and from x storage is another matter. If necessary, I will look up the doc. regarding the XC recommendation. VMSERVS and VMSERVU come shipped this way (MACHINE XC) from
IBM.  VMSERVR is MACHINE XA , which, of course, makes sense.

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