I don't believe there is an option to do what you're asking.  The STEM stage isn't "stripping" off the leading 0.  It's starting at TABLE.1 and working its way up to TABLE.(0+TABLE.0).  Is there any reason your code needs to specify the leading zeroes when setting the fields in TABLE.?  Or perhaps some more information about how the indexes into TABLE relate to the data or display would be helpful.

Miguel Delapaz
z/VM TCP/IP Development

The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> wrote on 11/08/2006 09:16:27 AM:

> Hi Plummers,

> I have a little PIPE question.
> I have an exec where I build a stem as follows.
> field1 = HELLO
> field2 = GOODBY
> .
> .
> field99 = THE END
> TABLE.0101 = field1
> TABLE.0202 = field2
> .
> .
> .
> TABLE.2480 = field99

> SAY TABLE.0101      will say 'HELLO'
> SAY TABLE.0202      will say 'GOODBY'

> When I try to use a pipe like.
> pipe stem TABLE. | console
> I don't get any entries that start with 0xxx ie 0001 thru 0999.

> Is there a way for pipes to NOT strip off the leading 0?
> Thanks
> Tom

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