Rick Troth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wrote:

> There is (or was) a protocol for sending messages, MSP,  Message Send
> Protocol.  I cobbled up a TELL EXEC to use it (or to use RSCS if the
> target node was not dotted).  Also a server,  which could be listed in
> SYSTEM NETID and delivered messages via MSGNOH.  Looked to the user
> (eg: to PROP)  as if it were another RSCS service v-machine.

> There is also (slightly more alive because the author is on this list)
> a protocol for sending files, UFT, Unsolicited File Transfer.  It was
> rolled into RSCS some time back,  but originally could run without it.
> Here too,  the server could be listed in SYSTEM NETID and would then
> look just like RSCS to the users.

I have looked both of these up in Google (isn't Google wonderful) and have found the RFC's.

MSP looks exactly what I am looking for but a search for this and MSGD has failed to find any currently active link to any code that implements this.

Is there anything available anywhere to save me redeveloping (even if not reinventing) the wheel?

Thanks in advance

Colin Allinson
Amadeus Data Processing

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