In a previous life,
I used 'make' a lot for building some VM packages.
Initially,  I used the 'make' command in OpenVM,  which is great!
(We should all leverage OpenVM.)  But driving CMS operations from it
was a little messy.  That is,  when the content of interest was in
CMS space and the targets implied BFS space,  it became inelegant.

To get effective use of a common "makefile" on all platforms,
because we were hitting MVS, CMS, Linux, even Windoze and Solaris,
I wrote a native 'make' for CMS.  I had to leave that where it was
in my other life.  But I miss it,  so I have been working on a new one.

If anyone is interested in trying it out,  let me know.

Make is a wonderful tool.  You have a rules file that looks like

        tobebilt.module:  tobebilt.text
                        load tobebilt
                        genmod tobebilt

        tobebilt.text:  tobebilt.assemble
                        hlasm tobebilt

where "tobebilt.module" depends on "tobebilt.text"
and if the latter is newer,  or if the former doesn't exist,
then the indented commands are issued.  Same concept in the 2nd stanza.

The time-stamp comparison is what I really like.
Files that depend on each other are automagically maintained.   SWEET!!

-- R;

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