Well, if you limit that to IBM software, sure, and that is their right. I have 
not heard of any lawsuits about it in direct relation to Hercules, but then, I 
don't follow it all that closely anymore.
I think even IBM Legal would have a tough time making a case about Hercules and 
Linux/390/zLinux though. Nor would they particuarly care I think. My guess is 
that IBM is coming out with a PowerPC based platform that will support all 
three major major non-Intel platforms; pSeries, iSeries, and zSeries. You can 
already load with AIX or i5OS on the latest pSeries boxes, and zSereis is only 
a few steps away.
When that happens, IBM will explode into the area currently held by FlexES 
and/or Hercules. Or they might choose to emulate that on an Intel platform - 
Intel is projecting *80* core chips. That would certainly be enough to make 
something like Hercules capable of being a major problem for IBM.
Heck, they might just go and buy Hercules then turn it into their own product. 
Or the rights to do something like that. Never can tell, IBM has, upon 
occasion, shown marketing savvy and a heck of a lot of good sense. Of course, 
they are also known for the exact opposite, and the current OO push with 
WebSphere may backfire bigtime with 'em in the mainframe area. It is WILDY 
sucessful in the iSeries world though. Partnerworld for Developers has turned 
into a sad joke compared to what it was in the mid 1990s.
Only speculation, and in the meantime, I doubt seriously IBM has even a slight 
bit of heartburn about people running MVS or VM or Linux or whatever else is 
available out there under Herc.

--- Begin Message ---
Hello Paul,

        I can say that IBM has targeted anyone using non-public domain
IBM software and Hercules.  Fact.

Ed Martin 
Aultman Health Foundation
ext. 40441

> -----Original Message-----
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Behalf Of P. Raulerson
> Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 9:26 PM
> Subject: Re: IBM sues PSI
> I don't think they will ever target Hercules, even if someone puts out
> commercial product with it. Does anyone know what PSI is using under
> covers? A horrid thought just occurred to me that it might BE
> -Paul

--- End Message ---

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