What I'm looking for....

ind space user maint                                         
Spaceid=MAINT:BASE  Owned size=51M  PRIVATE                  
Pages:  Main=2322  Xstore=144  Dasd=1419  Locked=1           
Private paging:                                              
  Xstore:  Reads= 801       Writes=2613       Migrates=1788  
  Dasd:    Reads=1811       Writes=1668                      
Shared paging:                                               
  Xstore:  Reads=   0       Writes=   0       Migrates=   0  
  Dasd:    Reads=   0       Writes=   0                      
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 12:35:25             
define vfb-512 as 333 blk    20000                          
DASD 0333 DEFINED                                           
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 12:35:51                          
ind space user maint                                        
Spaceid=MAINT:BASE  Owned size=51M  PRIVATE                 
Pages:  Main=2322  Xstore=144  Dasd=1419  Locked=1          
Private paging:                                             
  Xstore:  Reads= 801       Writes=2613       Migrates=1788 
  Dasd:    Reads=1811       Writes=1668                     
Shared paging:                                              
  Xstore:  Reads=   0       Writes=   0       Migrates=   0 
  Dasd:    Reads=   0       Writes=   0                     
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 12:35:55                                 
Now I defined a vdisk.  I haven't used it yet, so I don't expect to see
a "memory" change.

format 333 z                                                           
DMSFOR603R FORMAT will erase all files on disk Z(333). Do you wish to
Enter 1 (YES) or 0 (NO).                                               
DMSFOR605R Enter disk label:                                           
DMSFOR733I Formatting disk Z                                           
DMSFOR732I 20000 FB-512 blocks formatted on Z(333)                     
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 12:36:51                                 
ind space user maint                                                   
Spaceid=MAINT:BASE  Owned size=51M  PRIVATE                            
Pages:  Main=2322  Xstore=144  Dasd=1419  Locked=1                     
Private paging:                                                        
  Xstore:  Reads= 801       Writes=2613       Migrates=1788            
  Dasd:    Reads=1811       Writes=1668                                
Shared paging:                                                         
  Xstore:  Reads=   0       Writes=   0       Migrates=   0            
  Dasd:    Reads=   0       Writes=   0                                
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 12:36:54                                            

Didn't format, format?  I didn't see a "memory" change.

copyfile * * a = = z                                                   
DMSERD107S Disk Z(333) is full                                         
DMSCPY105S Error 13 writing file COPYFILE CMSUT1 Z1 on disk or
Ready(00100); T=0.01/0.06 12:37:59                     
ind space user maint                                                   
Spaceid=MAINT:BASE  Owned size=51M  PRIVATE                            
Pages:  Main=2326  Xstore=144  Dasd=1419  Locked=1                     
Private paging:                                                        
  Xstore:  Reads= 801       Writes=2613       Migrates=1788            
  Dasd:    Reads=1812       Writes=1668                                
Shared paging:                                                         
  Xstore:  Reads=   0       Writes=   0       Migrates=   0            
  Dasd:    Reads=   0       Writes=   0                                
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 12:38:03                                            

I think 20,000 blocks is 2,500 pages.  IND SPACE didn't show that type
of change.

What I have been looking for, and I might end up writting a rexx exec
to do this (it doesn't have to be 'that' efficient), is to:

1.  Tell me a user (Linux machine) has a dataspace allocated.  (like q
vdisk says).
2.  Tell me how many pages of that vdisk have been
3.  Tell me how many of those pages are in storage, (real/expanded).
4.  Tell me how many of those pages exist on the page dataset.

What I'm concerned about, is not knowing every aspect what Linux,
and/or, its applications are doing.
If some process, starts using Linux memory, swapping starts, my virtual
swap disks start being used, and filling up one by one (my swap disks
have different priorities),  no big deal that CP paging takes place, but
eventually, those swap pages end up on the page dataset.  To remain
there until the vdisk is detached.

One machine, no big deal.  But if something starts hitting all my Linux
machines, I'm going to run out of page space.  Like most of us, I
overcommit my page space.  

I've learned how I sometimes cause this problem.  YaST and apply
service.  It has caused a big footprint on the page dataset that is only
recovered by booting the Linux image.

When Oracle 10g starts its "reclaimation", it uses a lot of storage.  A
lot of swapping that is vdisk.

And, perhaps, I don't need to know how much of a storage/page slot
footprint each vdisk takes, vs just how much the entire guest machine
takes.  I haven't got that far in my thought process yet.

Of course, when all is said and done, I may end up with a performance
monitor and my questions would have been answered fairly easily.  But
until then...

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/13/2006 12:20 PM >>>
For your dataspace question, INDicate SPaces has existed for quite some
now, does that not provide all of the data you are looking for?  If
what's it missing?  Or are you looking for some sort of overall
summary of dataspace storage resource usage?  (That we don't have in a

- Bill Holder, z/VM Development, IBM Endicott

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