I'm missing something really stupid <G>

I want to copy some CMS files from 1st level VM to 2nd level VM.
Files such as REXX and JCL seem to copy fine, but my biggest, current
problem is modules.

When I do the FTP, a filelist on both sides shows the exact same info,
such as LRECL, records and blocks.  But when I try to execute the module
(in this case a nucxload, I get:

DMSNXL639E Error loading module FAQSIUCV, return code 508 from DMSRLD 
       +++ RC(12) +++                                                 
which says that the internal length doesn't match ....

When I try to use the binary transfer (which shouldn't be needed), the
lrecl changes to 8192, etc.

I think the last time I tried FTP to do this, I quickly gave up and
linked the first level disk to the second level system and copied the
files thataway.  Now I have a little time to explore what I'm missing.


Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

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