Dennis Schaffer wrote:
If you're talking about CA's VM:Batch, code executing on a worker machine
(i.e. the customer application) can issue the "VMBATCH SERVICE STACK $USER"
to place on the program stack the userid of the submitting job.
In my case it is IBM VM Batch, not the CA product. Regardless, it's not the userid of the submitting job I need. That is already available as the "jobowner" parm passed to DGROOLY EXEC.

What I need is the ALTID value used by the submitter.

When the ALTID is specified on a BATCH SUBMIT command, the jobowner (as far as VM Batch is concerned) is still the ID submitting the job. That ALTID value is not passed to DGROOLY, so DGROOLY has to resort to other means of obtaining it:

A more generic solution is the following rexx code which will obtain the
same information by perusing z/VM's VMDBK control block:

if substr(userid,1,6) = 'VMBAT0' then do
   numeric digits 12
   parse value diag(8,'CP LOCATE VMDBK ' userid) ,
         with . '15'x . $vmdbk .
   $addr = x2d($vmdbk) + x2d('5F0')
   $addr = insert('.8',d2x($addr,8),8)
   parse value diag(8,'CP D HT'$ADDR) with ,
         . . . . . . $userids .

The problem I see with this is the use of a privileged command. CP LOCATE is not generally available for all users. Of course a mod could make it available, but that sort of breaks the "no mods" philosophy.

I like the LCLQRY approach... even my 'brute force' approach is growing on me.... :-)


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