Here we go again. 
Noticed on IBMLink (yes, using the reliable, productive greenscreen 
version) today, 02 Jan 2007:
                      Withdrawl of VM ServiceLink 
Access to ServiceLink via the VM mode (green screen) will be removed on 
March 31, 2007. ServiceLink will only  be available through: 
The internet version of ServiceLink has been embraced by our customers 
as a safe and secure method of obtaining technical support and software 
maintenance for their zSeries system. Many new features have been added 
to the ServiceLink applications on the web that are not on the VM 
version. These enhanced features include: 
 a) A tailored fix package for preventive and corrective service. 
 b) A more comprehensive Search which includes additional technical 
    support libraries. 
 c) An improved PTF ordering capability in PSP 
Since ServiceLink VM is being removed, there will be no changes made to 
the ServiceLink vm code to support the new 2007 daylight saving time 

I used to complain that most VM users could not do anything that didn't 
get mapped directly to a PFkey.  I really **like** the command line!  I 
don't want to be turned into a systems janitor, only knowing which buttons 
to push while not knowing what's going on under the covers.  When someone 
changes the buttons, stuff stops working the same and precious time is 
lost trying to find the latest magic button to push.

Am I the *only* one who still prefers the stable, unchanging 3270 
greenscreen access to IBMLink?
The screens do not change, so you can continue to find information the way 
that has always worked: QUICKLY!
"The internet version of ServiceLink has been embraced by our customers" 
-- well, not this one!
This is one "withdrawl" (sic) pain that I can really live without.

Does it really cost IBM anything to support the **unchanging** greenscreen 
IBMLink?  I don't know of any reason that I should give a rat's patoot 
about the "vm code to support the new 2007 daylight saving time 
extension."  IMHO that really sounds like a weak attempt to find a 
justification for abandoning something that still works perfectly. 

Happy New Year!  BAH HUMBUG!!

Mike (not starting the new year off happily) Walter   
Hewitt Associates 
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