btw sometimes age doesn't matter
depends on the shop
I know of a shop still running a 4331 w/ 3370 drives op sys hasn't been
supported in years more like ages
spins tapes an prints labels

             Alan Altmark                                                  
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
   >                                                   To 
             Sent by: The IBM          IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU             
             z/VM Operating                                             cc 
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                     Subject 
             ARK.EDU>                  Re: START UR FCB Operand            
             01/11/2007 01:12                                              
             Please respond to                                             
               The IBM z/VM                                                
             Operating System                                              
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             

On Thursday, 01/11/2007 at 09:57 PST, "Schuh, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Obviously you are too young to remember the 1403 and 3215.


I scoff in your general direction, Richard.  I used to do Operator Duty on
the 1403.  ("Now, where did I leave my coffee? I see we're <splash> out of
paper.  Oh, yes, now I remember where I left it...")  :-)  I was going on
the rash assumption that David's printer wasn't so old as to require a
physical carriage control (the thing the FCB replaced).

If we're talking about emulated printers with built-in FCBs, then the
DEFFCB option may suffice.  The problem, of course, is that it is
emulating a printer that an FCB to work.  And CP "knows" that.  Such is
the reality of emulating old hardware.  Maybe if it emulated a 1403...

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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