Rob van der Heij wrote:
> Come on Sir. You're just repeating hearsay nonsense arguments. Yours
> is almost as good as the one to replace the VM Toolsrun-based employee
> directory by LDAP because the VM solution "required updates to be
> applied to all copies of the data spread over multiple VM system"
> I believe IBM set back the clock 10 years by migrating off their VM
> applications internally.

for some strange reason or another, there is a ldap redbook that has reference 
to some webpage of ours at 

precursor to TOOLSRUN for employee directory was CJNTEL ... posting with old 
from 1981 proposing a CJNTEL-based public key infrastructure more secure communication over the 

other posts with old email (from 70s & early 80s) mentioning CJNTEL (and maybe 
some TOOLSRUN) intersection between autolog command 
and cmsback (more history) To RISC or not to RISC more secure communication over the 
network Securing financial transactions a high 
priority for 2007 information utility

then there was line told top executives that the internal network had to be 
to SNA ... because PROFS was an VTAM application and would otherwise stop 
working vmshare

concurrent with CJNTEL was the online telephone directory ... recently mentioned
here Effi[ci]ency of branch table vs 
individual compare & branch

... now, of course, LDAP ... stands for lightweight directory access protocol 
... a morphing of DAP/X.500 ... part of the ISO/OSI suite of protocols. The 
first time I remember hearing about X.500 was at ACM SIGMOD conference ... i 
think '92 at santa clara convention center ... it was described as a bunch of 
networking engineers trying to re-invent 1960s database technology. these day, 
most LDAPs are layered on some RDBMS technology. for other drift, lots of past 
posts on original relational/sql, System/R ... all developed on VM

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