Mike Hammock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>For a while in the mid-late 80's I was in IBM's "Academic Information
>Systems" which contracted with universities to do research, development,
>testing and such.  One of those universities was Waterloo and I made a
>number of trips up there related to several products, working with both
>WATCOM and the University's CSG.  Just this evening i had some coffee in a
>mug that has the IBM, CSG and Waterloo logos.  Thee were some very
>interesting and talented people up there but I think the political
>relationships and even competition between UW's CSG and WATCOM ultimately
>worked against them.

True.  But a huge factor was also that just after I left, a new Provost came in 
who hated IBM.  Universities are no more immune to dumb decisions than 
businesses -- less so, in fact, since there's no "profitability" factor to 
consider.  A few years later, IBM hardware was all but dead at the U.  Through 
dumb luck, I seem to have left at just the right time.

Of course, being a University, most of those talented people are still there, 
just doing different things!


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