On Jan 22, 2007, at 12:00 PM, Miguel Delapaz wrote:
I agree, allowing customers to shoot them selves in various parts of their anatomy is *not* the tool's problem. However, it does become our problem when the shot is taken, they call us and their overall user experience is
less than favorable.  I think having the tool unload the gun is

Be careful with this road.

Many presumably customer-friendly OSes assume that they are smarter than I am and know better than I do what I want to do. Most of the time, they are wrong.

Fortunately, in *some* of them, the GUI is merely a shell over a good old Unix or Unixalike set of command-line utilities and a Unixish kernel, and I can *fix* the problem and get actual work done. In *others*, well, I click a bunch of buttons marked "OK" because there's only one button and "NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT OK. HOWEVER, I ACCEPT THE HEINOUS SITUATION IN WHICH YOU HAVE LEFT ME, GRUDGINGLY, BECAUSE YOU LEAVE ME NO CHOICE IN THE MATTER" probably would make for a funny-looking button.


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