Mr. Boyes, Mr. Webb.
THANX to both of you. David, by entering "passive", the mode was turned off and all was well. Peter, THANX for the url. I am now learning some new things today. Active and Passive. No, I didn't have a clue. Tis one reason I really like it when "cook book" approaches don't work cause you end up learning new things. But, then again, I do like cook books too. :-) THANX again!!!!!!!!!!

At 01:45 PM 2/5/2007, David Boyes wrote:
On Mon, 2007-02-05 at 13:31 -0500, Brian France wrote:
> At 11:32 AM 2/5/2007, you wrote:
> > Sounds like a firewall issue to me. Has anything changed in that
> > arena since then?
>   At first yes there where fire wall denials between my laptop and the
> vm machine, but by opening up 20 and 21 for the two IP's we no longer
> see them. I can actually connect to the vm machine and do a cd
> lnxmaint.192. After that I'm done. An LS or a PUT or an MPUT just sits
> there. I know it's something stupid but I just can't see it.

Remember that active mode FTP creates an additional data connection that
may not be using 20 or 21 (the CD will flow over the port 20 control
connection, so that should work). VM FTP defaults to active mode FTP,
and LS or PUT cause that second data connection to attempt to open.

Try a PASV command before you try to do the LS.

Brian W. France
Systems Administrator (Mainframe)
Pennsylvania State University
Administrative Information Services - Infrastructure/SYSARC
Rm 25 Shields Bldg., University Park, Pa. 16802

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