We have disks which are mirrored using PPRC to a second DASD box.
There are channels connected to the mirror box which we use for
running backups of the mirror copies, thus saving down-time.

We changed the mirror box last night, so now the mirror copies 
are on a *different* raid machine.

I wanted to move the chpid that connected to the old mirrors, 
to the new mirrors:
1) vary off all mirror volumes
2) vary off path 82 from all 
   (and also other chpids that went to the old mirror box)
3) vary off chpid 82
4) disconnect the escon chpid that went to the old box
   and connect in its place the escon that reaches the 
   new mirror box.
5) vary on chpid 82

When I tried to vary on the chpid, I got HCP1282I,
which basically seems to mean 'No Virginia, you can NOT
move a chpid to a new device'. ("CP has detected that the 
channel path has been reconnected to a different device").

Do I ***REALLY*** need to reipl to move a chpid???

Shimon (who wants to go home, but the backups wont run tonight if I do)

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