Hello,  I am still having trouble with my SCIF exec.

  Here it is:
/* rexx */
trace r
'set msg iucv'
'pipe (endchar \)',
'|starmsg CP Q MUDLAKE',
'| console',
'literal +2',
'| delay',
'| pipestop'
parse upper pull input '-' var
   if var = 'dsc' then nop
   else do
        say 'mudlake not logged on'
        exit 1369
'set msg on'

  Here is it in action:
 12:46:27 jimmy
12:46:27      3 *-* 'set msg iucv'
12:46:27        >>>   "set msg iucv"
12:46:27      4 *-* 'pipe (endchar \)','|starmsg CP Q MUDLAKE','| console','\','
literal +
12:46:27 2','| delay','| pipestop'
12:46:27        >>>   "pipe (endchar \) |starmsg CP Q MUDLAKE | console \ litera
l +2 | de
12:46:27 lay | pipestop"
12:46:27 00: MUDLAKE  - DSC
12:46:29     11 *-* parse upper pull input '-' var

If I change the delay to 4 seconds the DSC message always has the same time as 
the pipestop.  The delay is how long before the parse is executed.  The
book says when pipestop reads an input record, it ends the stages.  Am I ending 
the stages?  It looks like the DSC message isn't PULLable because I
get placed in a VM READ.

Some SCIF stuff:
12:52:09 cp send cp mudlake q secuser
12:52:09 Ready; T=0.01/0.01 12:52:09
12:52:11 id
12:52:11 LNXADMIN AT ZVM3     VIA *        02/28/07 12:52:11 CST      WEDNESDAY
12:52:11 Ready; T=0.01/0.01 12:52:11

  Thanks in advance,  Dave H.

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