On Wed, 28 Feb 2007 15:06:48 -0600, Don W. wrote:

>I am trying to define two z/OS guests that are using CRYPTO. The mainframe
>supposedly has two CRYPTO Coprocessors. The guests need to have the same
>DOMAIN. I thought I should be able to dedicate a CRYPTO Coprocessor to each
>guest and use the same domain. When I bring up the first guest, it seems to
>reserve both CRYPTO processors. The first guest gets msg HCPAPJ1708I No
>Processor is available to service virtual crypto unit (0/1). The second
>guest gets a msg that the DOMAIN is in use and CRYPTO is not available.
>Should I be able to run two guests using crypto with the same domain?

To answer this we will need to know what type of processor.  The different 
processors handle things different.  In 
addition, if this is a z800/z900 or older, you can only bind them to CPU0 and 


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