--- "Jeff Gribbin, EDS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> With a small amount of trepidation (but inviting
> stomping from anybody who 
> feels that I'm off-base here) can I remind folk
> that, on IBM mainframe 
> hardware, MIPS aren't the whole story. There's
> channels too - and in an 
> I/O-related situation their power needs to be ADDED
> to the CPU power to 
> come up with a realistic, "comparative MIPS" figure.
> It's a very long time since I saw anything that
> indicated how much MIPpage 
> is offloaded into the channels by a typical,
> "mainframe" workload but 
> please remember that, unless you understand how
> channels are implemented 
> when comparing two different solutions, you can
> quickly mislead yourself 
> regarding the genuine value of the, "MIPS"
> comparison.
> (I have a similar problem regarding, "channel
> bandwidth" - each individual 
> channel on a mainframe might be, "slow" but
> potentially I can have several 
> hundred running in parallel - in the right
> circumstances doesn't this give 
> me greater capacity to work with than a single but
> much faster I/O portal? 
> Do I want a firehose or do I want the Mississippi?
> As a man to whom I 
> would happily defer when it comes to performance
> issues has occasionally 
> been heard to comment, I think, "It depends ...")
> Regards
> Jeff Gribbin (Speaking only for himself.)

 Hercules runs channel emulation and CPU emulation in
separate threads, so in a multi CPU box with say "n"
CPUS, if you define "m" Mainframe CPU, "n-m" are
generally (pedants note generally) free for channel
emulation. However whilst I have never tried to do a
real benchmark, I am firmly convinced that I/O is not
an issue on a modern PC. 

To expand a little, I have tried a few simple things
to drive the I/O system up and bottleneck the I/O in
Hercules.. Sadly, every time, I have failed. I do keep
trying, but I have never been able to justify adding
RAID, SATA, or even SCSI (other than for tape) to the
box I use for Hercules. When I look in PERFMON the i/o
queue length and the i/o service times remain short.
As I only emulate one CPU and have (kind of two) on
the Hyperthreaded box, I see the second CPUs
utilization remains low.

I have therefore concluded that emulating S/370
channels does not tax the system. Again it might be
different for the XA I/O system , but I don't think
so. (In fact I think it may be simpler)

Also speaking for himself.

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