Shimon -

Phil Smith might be working on the problem.

I have source on my VM website:

On Fri, 2 Mar 2007 13:39:41 +0200 Shimon Lebowitz said:
>I am home now, but I know I have source at work,
>because I have local mods.
>Would you like me to send it?
>While on the topic of maintenance to SHOW,
>what are the chances of adding support for VMARC
>archives (I mean, who uses Cornell CARD today??) :-)
>> Fran Hensler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >After raising my TCPIP DATABUFFERPOOLSIZE to 12K and enjoying my big 
>> >screens I
>> >have found that SHOW will not work on a screen with more than 66 lines.  I 
>> >get:
>> >DMSABE141T Addressing exception occurred at 808D6B6C in routine SHOW
>> >on a 67 x 81 screen.
>> >Does anyone have a fix for this?
>> I don't, but I might soon if I get the time.
>> First I have to remember where the source lives...
>> ...phsiii

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